OMEN – Some are good, some are bad

2020-06-29 13:13:43

A young man in the peak of his career is faced with a difficult choice when everything he believed to be true is challenged. 

Mogale seemed to have it all until a calling from his dreams made him question his reality. The protagonist has a successful career and loving marriage, but he soon realizes that he is even more special than he once thought. An ancient coven of witches come to him in an attempt to persuade him to lead them, as is his destiny, dictated by his ancestors. 

What makes Omen unique, is that unlike other supernatural drama series, the writers attempt to educate the public on the positive history of African witchcraft and debunk many stereotypes attached to it. The driving theme is that some witches are good while some are bad. 

Supernatural themes have become very common in African dramas, particularly in the last couple of years, and Omen fully submerges itself in the supernatural and explores the theme in a fresh way.

“This story portrays and educates people on how back in the day witchcraft was used positively but because of greed people started using it to harm others. And it also kills the ‘African stereotype’ that witches travel on brooms.” - Lesley Musina (lead actor) speaking to News 24

Besides the riveting plot, the show has also been praised for its technical excellence. A familiar cast portrays a group of thrilling and unique characters, with Molobane Maja-Mbatha’s portrayal of an evil mistress in Omen particularly drawing attention. 

“The shots and their composition are suitably sinister, with suspense-filled music incorporated throughout... employing a striking wardrobe, artful lighting and a story strong enough to allow the actors and the audience to lose themselves within it.” – City Press

Omen became a hit with audiences in South Africa:

You can enquire about the hit new drama here.